
Changes to the Manual of Me platform and news will all appear here, or read the full updatelog here.


3.1.4 - Functional Improvements

May 21, 2022 by Matthew

There's a whole load of updates which are slowly rolling out across the platform

- Branding Support: Manual of Me for Teams can now be branded for your organisation
- We've added a handful of new magic modules, including cover images, inline images, and structured data
- Modules support markdown for all users now
- Manual of Me PLUS users and Manual of Me Teams can add custom questions
- Manual of Me PLUS users can create custom share URLs
- There's better onboarding instructions and support for new users

Despite the increase in functional, we've also dropped the price of our Teams, now starting at only £6/month.


3.0.3 - Adding support for Manual of Me PLUS

September 20, 2021 by Matthew

We're upgrading the individual user experience to add new features for people who want to do even more with their Manual of Me.

Plus users will be able to access all questions, create custom questions, use custom share URLs, attach media to their manual, order their questions, and much much more.

All of the new features will be availble later this year, but if you'd like a discounted access now, whilst we add the features, check out the upgrade page


3.0.2 - Updated Page Layouts

August 29, 2021 by Matthew

You'll start to see improved page layouts rolling out across the Manual of Me over the coming weeks, as we make changes to the interface based upon user feedback and continual improvements to the platform.

I find all of the feedback and suggestions you give really helpful, so please, any time you have a comment or idea, just ping me a note via the support page!


3.0.1 - Browse By Question

August 22, 2021 by Matthew

You can now browse your team-mates manuals by question - so you can see everyone's response to a single entry on a single page.

I find this really helpful for review and share sessions, so you can look at how people differ and align. Hope you find it useful too!


3.0.0 - Manual of Me for Teams

June 1, 2021 by Matthew

Introducing Manual of Me for Teams!

Create a team, choose the questions you'll all be completing, create and share your Manuals together. You don't need to manually send around links, you're all able to see each others content, and browse by question or by person.

There's a small cost for teams, to help us run the platform: £9/month for up to 7 people, and if you need a larger team (£15/month up to 15 or £29/month for up to 30 people), we can support that too!

Create your team for free, get it set up, and then invite your colleagues when you're ready to go.

Manual of Me.

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