And what do you do?

Shift the question from job titles to outcomes - and communicate the impact of your work.

When you’re introducing yourself, or answering the question “what do you do?” - what do you focus on?

Most people will jump straight in with their profession: “I’m an accountant”.

But by shifting how you ask the question from “what do you do?” to “what does your work do?”, we find a better answer.

From: “I’m an accountant” to … “I help people keep financially healthy”.

From: “I’m a designer” to … “I bring visual structure to complex challenges”.

From: “I’m a teacher” to … “I help inspire and prepare kids to face the future”.

Shifting the question from how your role is labeled to what impact it has helps not only start a better conversation but also helps you look focus on the things that you in your role makes happen, and you can consider using this within your Manual of Me when talking about your role.


  1. Spend five minutes coming up with the most ridiculous ways of describing these roles. Go as bold and big as you can, to get you started.

  2. Now, take your own job title, and do the same - keep it crazy and out there first of all. Don’t worry about it seeming too far fetched.

  3. Next - think back over the past 12 months of some of the work you’ve done where you feel the most proud - what impact did your work have? What outcomes did it lead to?

  4. Finally - attempt to write three new ways of describing the work you do, and how you’d introduce your role and its impact.

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