Crystal Maze

What types of projects do you like to get involved in?

You won't always bring the same skills to every project, what you offer is broad and based upon the needs, so it's useful to look at a range of your projects to best understand what and when your skills are applied.

There used to be a game show call The Crystal Maze - where contestants had to choose a type of challenge they wanted to take part in, something which played to their strengths, something which they knew they'd be more likely to complete. Physical, Mental or Skill.

What type of projects are you most likely to pick?


Think to the projects and tasks you've been involved in recently, and list a selection of six project 'types', based upon the main word which you would use to summarise the project.

Perhaps words like "creative", or "challenging", "innovative" or "optimising".

Now for each of the projects you thought of, what role or skill did you bring to each project? Is there a pattern in what you're bringing to certain types of projects? Are you the details person in strategic projects? Are you the energy in long projects? Are you the curator in information gathering projects?

Keep the project 'types' and roles you played for other exercises. They can be useful.

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