Hello, I'm
Rachel Davis
My Communication Channel preferences are...
Slack My fav way for quick communication during projects. I enjoy using statuses to help people know when I'm available. I set the expectation that immediate response isn't needed.
Other ** I use Butter for almost all my video communications (workshops, sessions, and even coffee chats) ** For intros to workshops, and quick messages I also love Loom. ** Huge fan of LinkedIn chat, it's easy to connect with my network here.
What motivates me to come into work each day is …

The people I work with. Knowing they have my back and that I will support them as well. Going into an environment of kindness with also a mindset of momentum.

Knowing I can choose the projects which will align with my core and heart of bringing joy and energy to workshop experiences.

I work brilliantly together with …

Someone who brings new ideas to the table and can go back and forth with me quickly.

People who value building and collaboration in public and are willing to try and maybe even fail quickly.

You’ll convince me to get on board by …

Showing me you have passion about an idea and have thought about how it impacts the client and the team as a whole. Revealing the path ahead that you've spent time thinking about even if you don't have all the answers.

The things which prevent me from doing my best are …

Pushback for the sake of pushback. Give me feedback sure, but pushing back just to exert power doesn't sit well with me. Be honest, transparent, and help us keep intentional momentum.

I’ve discovered that I best like working in the following ways …

Slack is the best form of communication for me. I truly value transparency so keeping conversations in shared channels as much as possible is ideal for me. Text can be a back up but I rarely give my phone number out to clients.

I hate using email with a passion. I'll use it when needed but it's not my default.

The best way to give me feedback is …

Be candid but kind. Identify what happened—when and where. Add in any potential suggestions for taking a different path, or directing me to where to find that.

Don't dance around anything, I can't handle the fluff.

When I'm dealing with stress, I ...

Try to push even more on my tasks that are on the table and sometimes get overwhelmed. I am working on learning how to take a breath, step back, and then re-engage.

Rachel created a Manual of Me
to explore and explain how they work best.
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