Hello, I'm
Jen Bauer
I’ve discovered that I best like working in the following ways …

by declaring that I am a remote-first worker. I genuinely thrive through working from home, with the comfort of my own personal physical space (and the company of my cats).

I excel in written communication, and prefer asynchronous work and tasks where possible. I am not afraid to draft up an agenda, lead a meeting or presentation, or break down a complex process into a document or training material.

I appreciate clear tasks and guidelines, and the space to create them when they are not present.

People often say I’m brilliant at …

making complex, strange, and fuzzy processes less so through documentation or teaching. I also am a spreadsheet and database person, and enjoy exploring both. I also have a knack for API testing with Postman, and have both enjoyed making test suites, teaching through those suites, and adapting my testing for new functional and regression testing needs.

My absolute requirements to do great work are ...

Clear, achievable goals and a mission that makes sense to everyone involved, and has all parties on board and ready to rock. The fuzzier the ask is, the more I will ask and document until we've teased out what is really happening and what is actually worth doing.

I define "treating me well at work" in the following ways:
- Clear, respectful communication, either written or verbal. It matters to me that you understand my message, and that I have fully understood what you mean to get across.
- I want to work on a team where folks care about each other, and wish each other well. I check in on my teammates from time to time with a quick ping or offer of support, or have a periodic check with leadership to see that they are also doing well. Ideally, the same occurs in return if we're in a safe and positive environment. I am not looking to get ahead or compete with others, or otherwise put anyone else down or be at odds. I am at my best as a collaborator working with others looking to find common ground as well. I will go into combat if necessary, but you won't be catching my best side.
- The opportunity to bring up feedback, both positive and negative, either directly or in a group environment with established psychological safety. This is awesome when there is trust and a working agreement in place, and can be disastrous when otherwise unstable! So I'm looking specifically for places where there is accountability in balance with respect and kindness. I have an excellent ability to highlight process improvements, find bugs in apps, or otherwise iron out what's off in a pattern. If it becomes unsafe to do so, though, or if it becomes adversarial, then it will become less safe to contribute further insights.

The stages of a project I work best at include …

the beginning and the end; the alpha and the omega.

I am a creative creature, and am delighted to bring my novel ideas and approaches at the outset, brainstorming our way through what we need and how to achieve it. I am also a ferocious task master, and love making a list and crushing those tasks one by one. I've found that this is a great mindset to have when pushing a project through to the finish line.

I add value to teams by …

untangling complex processes and problems, and documenting those solutions and lessons learned along the way. I am also not afraid to create educational content, such as tutorials, slide decks, or flipped trainings for subjects where I am versed and can help my team grow. I try to keep a positive attitude where possible, and use my quirky sense of humor to get through our less glamorous adventures.

Three things I’ve done recently which I’m proud of are …

the automated API test suite I created using Postman, Newman, and Jenkins to iterate over hundreds of scenarios at a previous role. This reduced our manual regression testing time per release to minutes instead of hours.

I also like to write to help myself and others make sense of complexity, and I have created a many excellent references in Google Docs, Confluence, and Jira in previous roles. I am proud to create and leave this evidence with each role as my legacy.

Finally, I can call out the interactive training session that I previously wrote and taught to acclimate new employees to API testing with Postman. I made sure that all of my students were making requests successfully throughout the class, and they would leave with a training collection they could further modify for functional testing right away. I like making tactile, approachable ways to learn that can be applied right away, or even on the fly, like this particular session was.

What motivates me to come into work each day is …

a challenge or opportunity that matters. There are big bonus points added if this work can also genuinely help improve the lives of folks outside of our company bubble. I also love tackling work with other passionate and smart do-gooders. Nothing beats a solid collaboration!

The sort of projects which really excite me have …

a clear and impactful goal, lots of great folks cheering for success, and the resources to get it done.

I’m really looking for …

a high caliber remote team to collaborate with, challenging and meaningful work, and the space to learn and grow together as we go.

Jen created a Manual of Me
to explore and explain how they work best.
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