Hello, I'm
Lauren Cosby
The brief I can work best from includes ...

the purpose/scope of the work, what gaps there are, specifically what you need/expect from me and a deadline you need the work to be sent back for review (or completed).

I work brilliantly together with …

People who take initiative, are able to balance work and fun/comradery, have a high value for: fairness, collaboration, and quality outcomes, are skilled compromisers, able to be a sounding board and contribute meaningfully.

The things which prevent me from doing my best are …

Micromanaging, lack of trust in my ability to do my job & produce quality work & poor communication

You’ll convince me to get on board by …

Providing as much information as possible, giving me time to think, allowing me to come to my own conclusion(s), showing me how the proposed solution benefits majority of stakeholders, hearing me out when I have questions, concerns, or propose other perspectives.

What motivates me to come into work each day is …

Autonomy, flexibility, a sense of ownership & healthy team dynamics.

I’ve discovered that I best like working in the following ways …

Independently and I'm most focused earlier in the day. I like to time block my work and do my best to stick to a schedule so that I'm working efficiently and minimize distractions. When I'm not motivated or having a hard time focusing, I enjoy "virtual co-working", hopping on a call with a few teammates and working on respective tasks individually.

The best way to give me feedback is …

Whether it's praise or criticism, I'm open to both and prefer verbal feedback. If it is a review or for something specific (eg. like a document), I like written feedback so that I can spend time with it and process the information.
If a team member has constructive criticism for me, I do ask that it be shared in enough time for me to remember the interaction and correct my behavior in a reasonable timeframe (I would hate to endure an entire project unknowingly offending a teammate).

The basics you should know about me are ...

I go by Lauren. My background is in research & development (PhD in biomedical engineering) and program management. I am seeking opportunities to gain experience in women's health product development and management. I'm laid back and introspective, but would define myself as a social introvert. I enjoy working on teams, creating relationships and producing quality work.

My absolute requirements to do great work are ...

In a physical environment, the vibe is everything. I prefer natural lighting, a candle, and calming instrumental music as background noise while I work.

General essentials for good work: I have anxiety so structure and forecasting are really helpful tools. The more time you give me, the better. I need time to process information, form my thoughts/opinions/plan of action and execute the work. If you need my help I ask for enough notice and a reasonable turnaround time. I've had colleagues ask me to present in their place the morning of, if I'm not comfortable with the topic/material, the answer is no. Public speaking and social interactions require a lot of my energy and I need time to mentally and emotionally prepare.

The stages of a project I work best at include …

beginning: identifying gaps, brainstorming solutions, creating a plan to execute
middle: doing the work, I love feeling responsible and accomplished

In times of stress I prefer support to look like …

Clear communication and a lot of patience and empathy. When I'm stressed I tend to become irritable and shut down. Some ways to support me during these moments look like: providing space to step away from the moment to regroup, being clear about priorities and how you need me to contribute, Following up to discuss the moment/what I'm feeling, affirming that we are a team and suggesting ways you think you may be able to help.

The teams in which I thrive in have ...

Above all, a mutual respect for one another, everyone is heard and no over-talking people, autonomy (micromanaging, intentional or not kills my vibe), a safe space to discuss differences, faith & trust in my ability to do good work AND be a team player, foster a fun and flexible working environment.

Lauren created a Manual of Me
to explore and explain how they work best.
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