Hello, I'm
Nathan Cooke
When I'm dealing with stress, I ...

I'm honest about my stress levels and how I'm balancing my work-load. You'll know when I'm stressed because I'll tell you.

When I'm stressed, it's helpful for someone to just listen. Often, once I've voiced my feelings I can tackle the problems with a clearer head.

The best way to give me feedback is …

early and often. I value transparency and honesty. I'm self-reflective and see feedback as an opportunity for growth. Of course, when the feedback is positive I want it even more!

I use the Situation, Behavior, Impact (SBI) model. It's been effective for providing and receiving feedback.

The basics you should know about me are ...

I'm Nathan, a neurodivergent bi-racial CyberSecurity professional based out of NY.

Beyond work, I’m really passionate about ...

my hobby is collecting hobbies. I tend to know a little about a lot. But my true passion is my family. My primary motivation is providing for them.

The brief I can work best from includes ...

desired business outcomes and deadline. I've very comfortable with vague asks. In fact, I thrive in environments where I'm able to exercise my creativity and problem-solving skills to obtain strategic goals.

I add value to teams by …

efficiently removing blockers. I'm adept at navigating company cultures, driving decision making, and generating solutions.

The sorts of outputs and outcomes I create include …

better processes for getting work done, better documentation for getting people up to speed.

People often say I’m brilliant at …

mentoring. I really enjoy that aspect of management and have volunteered for a few Employee Resource Group (ERG) mentorship programs so I could spend more of my time doing that. I allows me to exercise many skills: active listening, empathy, relationship-building, conflict management, and communication.

The stages of a project I work best at include …

design. Give me a high-level problem or a desired business goal and I'll come back to you with a fully developed strategy and solution on how to achieve it.

But where I really shine is optimizing. There's always room to improve, whether that's to expand coverage, automate, or scale.

Nathan created a Manual of Me
to explore and explain how they work best.
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