Hello, I'm
Luca Minudel
What motivates me to come into work each day is …

Supporting a client in seizing an opportunity, satisfying a need and solving a problem.

Following an idea from its conception to its realisation. Creating value and learning through the daily delivery of incremental improvements. Progress.

I’m really looking for …

Great teamwork, fast feedback, and novel learning while collaborating with smart and capable co-workers on challenging meaningful tasks.
And continuous improvement in innovation, way of working, and professional practice excellence.

The channels I prefer to communicate via are ...

#1 Real-time hands-on collaboration on a shared artefact, with instantaneous back and forth

#2 Conversation preceded by a short email rather than a long email

#3 Quick informal call rather than a long group chat or email thread or worse PowerPoint

#4 Messaging rather than email to quickly coordinate and check in during the day

#5 Group chat rather than email thread for a non-urgent exchange of ideas

#6 Occasionally a longer well thought email for a matter that requires time to think

I work brilliantly together with …

Team players that enjoy collaborating hands-on and quickly bouncing ideas off.

Curious co-workers with different strengths and backgrounds that enjoy learning from each other, and are open to questioning things and looking at things from different points of view.

I’ve discovered that I best like working in the following ways …

I achieve my personal Agility and flexibility with a disciplined approach. Even in chaos, I tend to have a method. I constantly strive for a big picture and a sense of direction even when I get lost in the details. Abstractions and theories come easily to me, I train myself toward action and practical examples. I seldom reschedule, miss an appointment, or arrive late. To go fast I slow down. I follow my intuition and creativity. I am a computer scientist by training and despite the stereotypes, I am sociable and with emotional intelligence.

I add value to teams by …

Creating transparency. Inviting participation. Facilitating collaboration. Defusing ambiguity, uncertainty and fear. Navigating the whitewater. Maintaining the focus on the priority. Improving the flow of work. Questioning any dogma. Together as one team.

In what I do I bring genuine passion, knowledge and experience.

The best way to give me feedback is …

Frequently and timely.
I like it candid, specific, and constructive.
And I love it when is genuine, comes from a good place, and aims to help.

When I'm dealing with stress, I ...

Become more direct and assertive, more goal-oriented toward my perceived priority, and less patient and tolerant.
I probably need a snack, more sleep, or a break.
It is probably a good time to leave me alone or ask me: What do you need? How can I help you?

Luca created a Manual of Me
to explore and explain how they work best.
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