Hello, I'm
Adrián Moreno Peña
When I'm dealing with stress, I ...

I am usually less communicative, and get into a "super-deliver" mode. Trying to fix things by myself, and maybe not including others enough. My answers might be shorter than usual, and more dry.

I really try to be a team player - so if you see me "acting solo" that might be a sign of me trying to "rush things" to get things done.

If you have worked a bit with me you probably know that I'm positive, talkative and care for others. Under stress I lose some of that spark, shut up more (to try to get in "productive" mode fast), and lost some of the human touch.

You can always reach out to me and ask how I'm doing. I'm usually quite open about it - once I am confronted with the self-reflection that your question allows.
It might easily be that we just need to confront reality and inform that what we promised was not doable - and share what we tried to do.

The teams I have worked the best with have been the ones that once I was getting into a stressful mode, they would let me know and offer help.

The best way to give me feedback is …

after the moment has just happened, or with a real-world example.
It will help me a lot if you can share how you felt, how I made you feel, and your perspective as you recall it.

People might misunderstand me when I …

I ask many questions, and give feedback. This is me spotting something where I feel I can give a hand - but I'm not trying to critizise the honest efforts made!

I might forget about answering a message - especially if I don't answer right away. Don't feel any shame in pinging me!

The basics you should know about me are ...

I am Spanish, and I have been living abroad for a long time (6 years in Amsterdam, 3+ years in Copenhagen).

I work from Copenhagen, and you can usually find me at the office. You can always check my calendar for updated information.

Beyond work, I’m really passionate about ...

I need some activity in my life to not feel trapped. Hiking, running, cycling, swimming, diving, going to a museum...

🏊‍♂️🚴🏃‍♂️ Lately I have dedicated (very) large amount of my time and energy training for triathlon, and just completed my first IronMan (3.8km swim, 180km cycling and 42.2km run). I like to "compete against myself" - I am a very average participant, but I want to get the best of me and feel that I have done something I didn't consider possible some time ago.
Now I am thinking what to do next - another IronMan? Trying to classify for a World Cup event (I did this year but it was in the US and was very difficult to enter). Who knows what will tickle me!

🎶 I love listening to new music, discovering new songs and bands that I might like.

🤓 Other hobbies/passions are learning new things - I love trivia/random fun facts, reading random wikipedia articles, or learning about some history through a podcast or an audiobook while riding my bike.

📺 I like watching TV shows with my girlfriend to wind down. Either thrillers, comedy, ... some of the last shows we've liked: the Good Doctor, The Bridge, Borgen, Peaky Blinders, Chernobyl, After Life... a bit of everything!

🎲 For a social winter-friendly activity, I love playing board games. My favourite one lately is Wingspan - others I like are Carcassonne, Dixit, Ticket to Ride...

🤖 I also love gadgets of any kind. Home automations, improving the network at home, something to measure some new data point while doing sport (ask me about it, I have tried so many 😂).

My absolute requirements to do great work are ...

Feeling trusted - which means that I can speak my mind.
A fast and light laptop (Macbook Pro kind of thing), relatively quiet environment (I'll get triggered by listening to music I don't like).

And RELIABLE internet. If you want to see me going mad - try me in a high latency network 🤣

I feel a sense of accomplishment when ...

When people around me are happy and fun working together. Usually this leads to creating something valuable together.

When requesting my support / contribution, the following works best for me ...

There are a series of things that help me help you efficiently:
- what are you trying to solve
- why are you trying to do so
- what have you tried before, how did it go
- what do you expect from me
- when should it be done

That's what I would call "the context" of the problem. It will help us be on the same page.

Then - the more complex that the problem is - the more time and preparation I need in advance. You can give me a heads up if you want to shape also the context, but I will not likely come with a solution right away for a complex problem (ie: architecture issues, problems that have many "movable parts"...), but I might always be able to help you with a trivial task (Jira filters, where to find information...).

I feel drained and exhausted when ...

When every day feels the same, without progress. We keep on fixing the same things, solving the same small issues - without tackling the big, underlying structural problems.

When people act without caring for how their actions might affect others.

When I don't feel heard and valued. I am very open to give and receive feedback, and put a lot of energy into work to make things happen - but if nothing comes out of it - you really lose my engagement and energy.

Adrián created a Manual of Me
to explore and explain how they work best.
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